Codicil Definition

Codicil Definition

What Is a Codicil? A codicil is an addendum of any kind to a will. Codicils can alter, change, add to or subtract from the provisions in the will. They can be used to keep a will and testament current and up to date. A codicil can be used to add, remove, or change provisions

Coiled Market

Coiled Market

What Is a Coiled Market? A coiled market, or coiled spring, is a market that has a lot of potential to make a strong move in one direction after being pushed in the opposite direction or held flat over some period of time. The idea is that if a market ought to be headed in

What Is a Closed Monetary machine and Why Are There None In recent times?

What Is a Closed Monetary machine and Why Are There None In recent times?

What Is a Closed Economy? A closed economy typically refers to a country that does not trade or engage in other financial exchanges with any other country. That means no imports come into the country and no exports leave it. The goal of a closed economy is complete self-sufficiency, providing domestic consumers with everything they need from within the

Closed-End Hire Definition

Closed-End Hire Definition

What Is a Closed-End Lease? A closed-end lease is a rental agreement that puts no obligation on the lessee (the person making periodic lease payments) to purchase the leased asset at the end of the agreement. A closed-end lease is also called a “true lease,” “walkaway lease,” or “net lease.” Key Takeaways A closed-end lease is

What Is a Closed-End Keep watch over Company?

What Is a Closed-End Keep watch over Company?

A closed-end management company is an investment company that manages closed-end mutual funds and sells a limited number of shares to investors on an exchange by way of an initial public offering. Breaking Down Closed-End Management Company The Investment Company Act of 1940 regulates closed-end managment companies. Closed-end management companies specialize in the management of

Closed-end Mortgage

Closed-end Mortgage

What Is a Closed-end Mortgage? A closed-end mortgage (also known as a “closed mortgage”) is a restrictive type of mortgage that cannot be prepaid, renegotiated, or refinanced without paying breakage costs or other penalties to the lender. This type of mortgage makes sense for homebuyers who are not planning to move anytime soon and will accept