What Is a Certificate of Insurance policy (COI)? When You Need One

What Is a Certificate of Insurance policy (COI)? When You Need One

What Is a Certificate of Insurance (COI)? A certificate of insurance (COI) is a document issued by an insurance company or broker. The COI verifies the existence of an insurance policy and summarizes the key aspects and conditions of the policy. For example, a standard COI lists the policyholder’s name, the policy’s effective date, the

Certificated Stock Definition

Certificated Stock Definition

What Is Certificated Stock? Certificated stock generally refers to commodity inventory that has been inspected by qualified representatives and determined to be of basis grade for use in futures market trading. Key Takeaways Certificated stock is an inventory of commodities that has been affirmed by qualified inspectors and approved for futures trading.Certificated stock ensures that

Certificate in Investment Potency Measurement (CIPM) Definition

Certificate in Investment Potency Measurement (CIPM) Definition

What Is the Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM)? The Certificate in Investment Performance Measurement (CIPM) is an internationally recognized accreditation offered by the CFA Institute. As its name suggests, the purpose of the CIPM is to train professionals to accurately calculate and communicate investment performance figures. Key Takeaways CIPM is a well-respected professional designation

Certificate of Participation (COP): Definition, Uses, Taxation

Certificate of Participation (COP): Definition, Uses, Taxation

What Is a Certificate of Participation (COP)? A certificate of participation (COP) is a type of financing where an investor purchases a share of the lease revenues of a program rather than the bond being secured by those revenues. Certificates of participation are, therefore, secured by lease revenues. A certificate of participation (COP) can also

Certified Treasury Professional (CTP): Definition, Exam, Benefits

Certified Treasury Professional (CTP): Definition, Exam, Benefits

What Is a Certified Treasury Professional (CTP)? The term certified treasury professional (CTP) refers to a financial designation awarded to individuals experienced in cash management and who pass an exam demonstrating their expertise by the Association for Financial Professionals (AFP). Successful applicants earn the right to use the CTP designation with their names for three