

What Is Biometrics? Biometrics are a group of digital security methods that rely on biological or physiological attributes and that are used to prevent data breaches such as credit card hacks or unauthorized logins. Biometrics use criteria that are physically unique to an individual that can prove their identity, such as a fingerprint or voice

What Is Bioremediation, and How Does It Art work (With Examples)?

What Is Bioremediation, and How Does It Art work (With Examples)?

What Is Bioremediation? Bioremediation is a branch of biotechnology that employs the use of living organisms, like microbes and bacteria, in the removal of contaminants, pollutants, and toxins from soil, water, and other environments. Bioremediation may be used to clean up contaminated groundwater or environmental problems, such as oil spills. Key Takeaways Bioremediation is a

Biotechnology Definition

Biotechnology Definition

What Is Biotechnology? Biotechnology is a science-driven industry sector that uses living organisms and molecular biology to produce healthcare-related products. Biotechnology companies also develop therapeutics or processes (such as DNA fingerprinting). Biotechnology is best known for its role in medicine and pharmaceuticals, but the science is also applied in other areas such as genomics, food

Biothermal Energy Definition

Biothermal Energy Definition

What Is Biothermal Energy? Biothermal energy is a renewable energy source that seeks to generate electricity from the composting of organic materials. It is often used in agricultural applications, such as by exploiting the fibrous matter derived from sugarcane during sucrose extraction. Although biothermal energy is considered to be a viable source of energy production

Birake (BIR) Definition

Birake (BIR) Definition

What Was Birake (BIR)? Birake was a digital currency exchange platform launched in mid-March of 2018. It called itself the first “white label” service of this type. Birake also had its own blockchain, powered by the proof-of-stake Birake Coin (BIR). Cryptocurrency fans interested in running a decentralized exchange could purchase and download the software and

Monetary establishment for World Settlements (BIS)

Monetary establishment for World Settlements (BIS)

What Is the Bank for International Settlements (BIS)? The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is an international financial institution offering banking services for national central banks and a forum for discussing monetary and regulatory policies. The BIS, which is owned by 63 national central banks, also provides independent economic analysis. Key Takeaways BIS serves as