Provisional Income Definition

Provisional Income Definition

What Is Provisional Income? Provisional income is an IRS threshold above which social security income is taxable. The base, from §86 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), triggers the taxability of social security benefits, requiring its inclusion in gross income tax payment on excess amounts. Provisional income is calculated using the recipient’s gross income, tax-free

Proxy Directive Definition

Proxy Directive Definition

What is Proxy Directive? Proxy directive is a legal document assigning the health care decisions of an individual to another in the event the individual is incapacitated. Key Takeaways Proxy directive is a legal document assigning the health care decisions of an individual to another in the event the individual is incapacitated.A proxy directive is typically prepared

Proxy Materials

Proxy Materials

What Are Proxy Materials? Proxy materials (also known as the proxy statement) are documents provided by public corporations in order that shareholders can understand how to vote at shareholder meetings, and make informed decisions about how to delegate their votes to a proxy. These are regulated by the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) in accordance with

Prudent Investment

Prudent Investment

What Is a Prudent Investment? A prudent investment refers to the recognized use of financial assets that are suitable for an investor’s goals and objectives. A prudent investment considers the risk/return profile and the time horizon of an investor. Fiduciaries (such as financial advisors, attorneys, CPAs and retirement plan sponsors), whom an investor entrusts to

Private Securities Litigation Reform Act (PSLRA) Definition

Private Securities Litigation Reform Act (PSLRA) Definition

What Is the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act (PSLRA)? The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act (PSLRA) is a piece of legislation passed by Congress in 1995 to stem the filing of frivolous or unwarranted securities lawsuits. The Private Securities Litigation Reform Act increased the amount of evidence that plaintiffs are required to present before filing