Permanent Loan Defined

Permanent Loan Defined

What Is a Permanent Loan? A permanent loan is a type of loan with an unusually long term. The term can have different meanings, however, depending on the context in which it is used.  Despite its name, permanent loans are generally not permanent, although they may last for a long time. Key Takeaways Permanent loans

Permission Promoting and advertising: Definition, Example, Advantages

Permission Promoting and advertising: Definition, Example, Advantages

What Is Permission Marketing? Permission marketing refers to a form of advertising where the intended audience is given the choice of opting in to receive promotional messages. The concept of permission marketing has been popularized by Seth Godin, an entrepreneur and author. He first discussed the idea of permission marketing at length in his book

Approved the Forex market

Approved the Forex market

What Is a Permitted Currency? A permitted currency is one that is free from any legal and regulatory restrictions that would keep it from being exchanged with or converted into another currency. Countries with permitted currencies benefit from greater access to international trade and global finance. This can be contrasted with a blocked currency, which

Pension Shortfall Definition

Pension Shortfall Definition

What Is a Pension Shortfall? A pension shortfall is a situation where a company offering employees a defined benefit (DB) plan does not have enough money to meet the obligations of the pension fund. A pension shortfall typically occurs because the investments selected by the pension manager did not live up to expectations. A pension