Pension Shortfall Definition

Pension Shortfall Definition

What Is a Pension Shortfall? A pension shortfall is a situation where a company offering employees a defined benefit (DB) plan does not have enough money to meet the obligations of the pension fund. A pension shortfall typically occurs because the investments selected by the pension manager did not live up to expectations. A pension

Folks’s Monetary establishment of China (PBoC)

Folks’s Monetary establishment of China (PBoC)

What Is the People’s Bank of China? The People’s Bank of China (PBoC) is the central bank of the People’s Republic of China and is located in Beijing. The PBoC has many functions in China’s monetary system, including: Creating and enforcing laws, rules, and regulationsCreating and implementing monetary policyManaging the State treasuryRegulating the country’s financial

What It Is, Why It’s Crucial

What It Is, Why It’s Crucial

What Is Perceived Value? In marketing terminology, perceived value is the customers’ evaluation of the merits of a product or service, and its ability to meet their needs and expectations, especially in comparison with its peers. Marketing professionals try to influence consumers’ perceived value of a product by describing the attributes that make it superior

Percentage Depletion Definition

Percentage Depletion Definition

What Is Percentage Depletion? Percentage depletion is a tax deduction for depreciation allowable for businesses involved in extracting fossil fuels, minerals, and other nonrenewable resources from the earth. Key Takeaways The depletion allowance has made oil and gas at the wellhead one of the most tax-advantaged investments available. The deduction is intended to incentivize domestic